Niamh's Musings

Join Niamh at home and on tour... the people she meets, the music she loves and the turns in the road.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Monday 12th of June – and we are just back from France. We flew out on
Friday to Carcasonne – in the company of the band Slide, our good friends.
Eoghan, Mick, Eamonn and Dáire were in the company of singer Andrew Murray
who was singing with them for the weekend. The also brought along their
sound engineer, Chloe Nagle. It’s funny but Chloe and myself had met each
other just two weeks previously in Co. Clare, where she was one of the sound
engineers for the opening of the Doonbeg Golf Club, and we hit it off then,
so it was wonderful to meet her again. She is half-French and half-Irish,
and great craic!.

It has been so hot in Ireland and I knew it would be even hotter in France
and I was right! 30c when we arrived, and I did my best to stay in the
shade, the sun just burns me up – though strangely I get more burnt in
Ireland than I do when I’m out ‘foreign’.

After our arrival in Caussade, we viewed the venue for the following days
festival which was called Nuit Celtic III - and then had lunch. We retired
to our rooms and ours was beautifully cool. I watched the opening of the
World Cup instead of sleeping but had a good rest – and I watched the German
match too – I love the excitement of the competition. Later, we all met at
a little restaurant in the centre of the town – Le Break – where we watched
the rest of the match. Tables were laid outside and we were joined by some
Breton musicians, Pol, Herve and Sam, and also by Chloe’s mother and
step-father who live in France. The meal was fabulous of course and when
all the eating was done, the lads got the instruments and a great session
started – this was about 9 o’clock – it went on till – oh maybe 2.30 – can’t
remember because I couldn’t resist the lovely red and rose wine which was
flowing freely. The session was joined by a couple of brothers – Jacob and
Joe, who play with one of the bands featured at the festival – Doolin’ –
they were brilliant musicians and really lifted the session. I had a few
songs, and so did Andrew Murray – (I love his singing) and we also had a
song from Chloe, which was a lovely surprise.

On Saturday after breakfast, I slept some more and was well rested for the
festival. Sound check for us was late – about 4.30 – and I was considering
going back to the hotel between that and the set, but it was nicely cool
down at the site – in the green room tent, run so well by Corinne – I think
I christened her ‘Paddy’ by the end of the night. Our set went well – the
sun was shining directly in my eyes for most of it but as I generally close
my eyes while singing it didn’t really matter. Graham was great and I loved
the sound. The band Doolin’ was on after us, and I was really impressed.

We went for food, and finished just in time for ‘Footloose’ a group of
gorgeous girls based in Montpelier, who dance to Riverdance type music. By
then the sun had gone down, and the screens at the side of the stage showed
close ups of the girls. I had good craic with Marina and the crew
afterwards. The next band on stage were the fabulous ‘Slide’ but then I’m
biased – I really enjoyed their set, and watched from the sound desk in the
company of Louis from Uruguay and Nicolas, the guitarist from Doolin’. The
atmosphere was wonderful – thousands of people all enjoying themselves in
the warm evening – what a show! I went back stage to meet everybody, and
had a good view of the last band on for the night, Urban Trad – I had met
them all before in Holland a couple of years ago, and of course the guitar
player is our old friend Philippe Masure. I danced backstage with the
‘Froggy Bastards’ a name they gave themselves (I think!)

Well – after a bit of whiskey, Guinness, loads of wine, music and dancing,
it was half four before we were thrown out of the ‘Green Tent’. It was a
fantastic night. I met so many lovely people, young Nick from the radio,
who’s since written but my return emails keep bouncing back – so Nick give
me your proper email. I loved all the lads from Doolin’ and the Bretons
too – great musicians. And Chloe – I thought I had her email but just shows
you how drunk I really was. That’s it - no more drink till Milltown
Malbay -

And it was so hard to leave – long drive to the airport, long wait for the
delayed flight – shattered when I got home and the bloody sun still shining
hard in Ireland – 11 days of constant sunshine is just not Irish!


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